
December 25: Christmas Day

The Church as it carries out the mission of Christ
– that all be one

Loving God, you sent your beloved Son Jesus into the world to reveal you and to show us your merciful face. Help us to receive Him with renewed commitment to share His mission. We desire to help all people move toward that oneness which you will for us and for all of creation.


December 24: Thursday, 4th Week of Advent - Christmas Eve

Province of Africa (AF)

We pray today for our Province of Africa. May this young province grow ever stronger in its witness to God’s love in its diverse countries and diverse peoples. May the energy they bring to Blessed Theresa’s charism be a light for all who desire “to make one.”


December 23: Wednesday, 4th Week of Advent

Families, Friends and Benefactors

We ask your special blessing, Lord, on all our families, friends and benefactors. Their presence, love, and generosity support us in our daily efforts to be in service to and with your people. Pour out upon them an abundance of your love and grace. Surround them and our world with true peace.


December 22: Tuesday, 4th Week of Advent

SSND Associates / Missionaries of Mother Theresa

We pray for all the men and women around the world who have chosen to be in an intentional associate relationship with this congregation. May we grow in our appreciation of the charism that we share, and together find ways to make Christ visible by the way we live our lives and relate to one another.


December 21: Monday, 4th Week of Advent

Prowincja Polska /
Polish Province (PO)

"Pan, twój Bóg jest pośród ciebie, Mocarz, który daje zbawienie". So 3, 17
Módlmy sie za Siostry Polskiej Prowincji, aby ufając Bogu i Jego prowadzeniu,  z odwagą szły tam, gdzie ich wola Pan, na wzór Maryi śpieszącej do Elżbiety.


December 20: 4th Sunday of Advent

The people among whom we minister

We pray for all those with whom we minister, especially women, children, and persons who are poor. May God give them much hope and peace, we pray to the Lord.


December 19: Saturday, 3rd Week of Advent

Provinz Österreich–Italien & Československá provincie / Province of Austria-Italy & Czechoslovakian Province (ÖR-IT & CE)

Dreifaltiger Gott, begleite die Schwestern der Provinz Österreich-Italien und die Schwestern in Tschechien auf ihrem gemeinsamen Weg in die Zukunft. Lass sie in kreativer Weise Wege finden, wie sie deine Gegenwart in unserer Welt sichtbar machen können durch ihr Sein.

Dio Uno e Trino, accompagna le Suore della Provincia Austria- Italia e le Suore della Repubblica Ceca nel loro comune cammino verso il futuro. Fa’ che trovino nuove vie che rendano visibile la tua presenza nel nostro mondo attraverso il loro essere.

Trojjediný Bože, provázej sestry Rakousko-Italské provincie a sestry v České republice na jejich společné cestě do budoucnosti. Ať nalézají kreativní cesty, jak zviditelnit Tvou přítomnost v dnešním světě.


December 18: Friday, 3rd Week of Advent

Immigrants and Refugees

We ask the Lord God of people in exile, to take away the fear in our minds and hearts so that we will have the courage and generosity to embrace migrants and refugees and share our abundance. We pray to the Lord.


December 17: Thursday, 3rd Week of Advent

Congregational Novitiate

We pray for God’s graces on all our sisters as we work together to establish one Congregational Novitiate: 
  • May we be faithful to the inspirations of the Spirit in the on-going discernment and decisions during this preparation time. 
  • May we be welcoming and supportive of the novices who will come and of the sisters who will form the novitiate community. 
  • Through this journey may we all be renewed in our charism, open to personal and communal growth and to live more joyfully our own call to consecrated life.


December 16: Wednesday, 3rd Week of Advent

Atlantic-Midwest Province (AM)

We pray that our sisters of the Atlantic-Midwest Province may continue to grow in love for each other and for all of God’s creation. May God grant them all they need in their efforts to further the reign of God in our world.


December 15: Tuesday, 3rd Week of Advent

Colleagues in ministry, Employees

We pray in gratitude for our “workers in the vineyard” – our colleagues in ministry and all our employees whose loving service is such a gift to us. May this continued collaboration among God’s people be a sign of unity and love wherever we are. May God bless their families and dear ones.


December 14 - Monday 3rd Week of Advent

Shalom Network

We pray for our international Shalom Network: 
  • May all members be renewed in the grace of the Spirit to witness to the Gospel with audacity and hope. 
  • May they be strengthened to collaborate effectively in building just relationships wherever they are. 
  • May their eyes be opened to the Incarnate presence of Jesus as they address root causes of injustice and respond to the urgent needs of our common home.


December 13 - 3rd Sunday of Advent

Central Pacific Province (CP)

On this Gaudete Sunday we rejoice and pray in gratitude for our sisters in the Central Pacific province. May their efforts of fidelity to become one and to witness unity be blessed. Our prayer for them comes from today’s reading from the prophet Zephaniah: “May God rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in God’s love.”


December 12 - 14th day of Advent


Senhor Jesus Cristo, Mestre do Amor e da Verdade, que nos destes a missão de educar, dai-nos a graça de crescer em ciência e sabedoria.

Que por meio de nosso “ministério orientado para a educação”, possamos “tornar as pessoas capazes de alcançar a plenitude do seu potencial como seres criados à imagem de Deus e colocá-los à disposição para humanizar a terra” pois cremos “que o mundo pode ser mudado pela transformação das pessoas.

Rezemos ao Senhor


December 11 - 13th day of Advent

Magyar Tartomány / Hungarian Province (MG)

For the Hungarian Province: may our sisters there continue to make efforts to trust and dare among themselves and with the people in their ministries, as they continue to respond to the urgent educational needs of our times.


December 10 - 12th day of Advent

Human Rights

(This is International Human Rights Day) 

As we celebrate Human Rights Day, we pray that the dignity of each human person will be respected, and that all will feel God’s love.


December 9 - 11th day of Advent

Province of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC)

Today we pray for our sisters of the Province of Latin America and the Caribbean. May the challenges they face regarding language and distances become for them blessings. May they continue to grow in their love for each other and for our God.


December 8 - Tuesday, 2nd Week of Advent


(The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Loving God, today we praise and thank you for Mary, mother of our congregation. Through her intercession, may each School Sister and every local community of our international congregation be blessed with the graces we need to be more like your Son Jesus, your face of mercy turned toward the world.


December 7 - Monday, 2nd Week of Advent

Jubilee Year of Mercy

Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, may all who seek forgiveness and healing in this Year of Mercy be met with the tender and merciful open arms of Jesus.

The Jubilee Year of Mercy begins tomorrow. Official website.


December 6 - 2nd Sunday of Advent

World Peace

For peace in our world: may the governments of nations seek together for new paths of peace on an international, continental and local level.


December 5 - Saturday, 1st Week of Advent

Women in Initial Formation and those who desire to share our life and mission

We pray for women in initial formation in our congregation, discerning God’s call, and for those who desire to share our life and mission. May they, in their process of discernment, be open to God’s love. In experiencing His unconditional love, may they be encouraged to commit their lives to follow Jesus in the spirit of Mother Theresa, to be bread that is blessed, broken and shared for the life of the world.


December 4 - Friday, 1st Week of Advent

Candle used at
European Leadership
in Ilirska-Bistrica,
Slovenia, 2013.

Bayerische Provinz  / Bavarian Province (BY)

Lass die Schwestern der Bayerischen Provinz in den Ländern Deutschland, Schweden und Rumänien Zeugnis für die Einheit geben, indem sie dich, Gott, in jedem Menschen sehen, unabhängig davon, woher sie stammen. So verwirklichen sie jene Einheit, um derentwillen Jesus Christus gesandt war und die auch unsere Sendung für unsere Welt heute ist.


December 3 - Thursday, 1st Week of Advent

Church and World Leadership

During this time when the world is full of unrest, violence, lack of respect for people and all creation, we pray for our Church and World Leadership. May they be filled with the hope of the Advent season. We ask God to bless them with courage and audacity in order for them to take risks to work together to bring about peace, justice, and care for all of creation.


December 2 - Wednesday, 1st Week of Advent

The sick and elderly

We pray for all those who need God’s healing, those suffering in mind, heart, soul, body. That they may experience God’s loving embrace. We pray also for the elderly that God will strengthen them in their efforts and give them courage to face their daily challenges.


December 1 - Tuesday, 1st Week of Advent

Convent chapel, 
Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia

Slovenska province /
Slovenian Province (SI)

We pray today for our Sisters and colleagues in the Slovenian Province. As they prepare for the coming of the Messiah in new and deeper ways, may they hear God’s daily call in their hearts and respond with great generosity.


November 30 - Monday, 1st Week of Advent

Care of our Common Home

“All powerful God, you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures. You embrace with tenderness all that exists.” Fill us with the power of your love that we, too, may care for and protect your beautiful creation. Enlighten nations to care for whatever is the most vulnerable and most fragile in this, our common home.

Useful links: SDGs - Laudato Si’ - COP21 (Climate summit in Paris which begins today.)


29 November - First Sunday of Advent

In this Year for Consecrated Life:
All Consecrated People

We pray today for all men and women who have answered God’s call to live a consecrated life. May each of them remain faithful to their vocation and live their lives daily in joy, peace and love.



For several years the Generalate Community has chosen the Advent practice of praying each day for a particular province, a group with whom we collaborate, or a global concern of special interest to the congregation. We are happy to continue this practice.

Each member of the Generalate Community selects an intention topic, composes the intention in the language of her choice and then prays the intention on the specified day during our Eucharistic celebration. A list of the intention topics with their specified days is here.

Included with the daily intention will be images of candles used during various SSND events.

As we pray with and for each other during this Advent season may the light of Christ continue to guide us into the ways of peace.

We wish you abundant blessings during this Advent season as we prepare for the Prince of Peace.